Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Phase Two Part Six

The Learning Strategies:

1. Reading/Memorizing:

Have a representative sample of people read an article based on neuroscience. Have the sample of people come up with a varitey of numonic devices in order to memorize the infromation.

2. Visual Aids/Demonstration:

Have an instructor demonstrate neuroscience to a representative sample of people through a brain activity. After, have students make some sort of of visual aid to use for their own learning experience.

3. Lecture/Listening:

Have a neuroscience professor lecture to a repreesentative sample of students on the topic of neuroscience for about an hour. Record the lecture on a recording machine and listen to the lecture before one goes to bed.

4. Reading/Writing Notes:

Have a representative sample of students read an informational essay on neuroscience. Throughout the reading session, make notes that would cover main topics essential for the chapter.

5. Hands on/Project:

Have a representative sample of students build a model of the brain and label each part and its functions. Present the structure in front of the class and have students actually hold the structure.

6. Video/Audio:

Have a representative sample of students create a video or album based on neuroscience. The video should include the necessary visuals along with appropriate concepts and terms.

1 comment:

  1. Too much memorizing going on here--remember, the whole goal of this project is to create a learning strategy that helps us actually LEARN neuroscience...not just be able to identify terms next to their definitions.

    Manipulate this a bit and you'll have it down :)
