Sunday, November 7, 2010

Questions 1-4: Amanda

Neuroscience helps the credibility of psychology as a science.  This is because of the biology part of neuroscience and how the neural communication occurs.  With the nervous system and endocrine system, the neural communication answers some of the questions to why people react the way they do.  Reflexes occur and they are due to the nervous system.  Also, neurotransmitters have great impact on emotions, moods, hunger, cognitive functions, and many other actions and behaviors.  Since we know the biology and science behind the neurotransmitters and why these reactions occur, we could put a science to why people act the way they do.  In the end, it may put some science credibility into psychology. 

The brain and body work together to explain how humans think, feel, and act through neural communication and neuroscience.  The neurons and messages travel from the body, to the brain, and back to the body at times.  The process of carrying information through neurons can explain why humans think, feel, and act.  The neuron messages received by the brain and then transmitted back to the body after being interpreted makes humans react.  Reflexes are another part of why humans think, feel, and act.  Finally, again, neurotransmitters play a large part in why people feel the way they do in reactions such as mood, emotion, and hunger.   

Cognitive psychology is the study of how the brain encodes, processes, stores, and retrieves information.  This all occurs in the brain.   Neuroscience however, is the study of how the brain is linked to the body and how it enables emotions and how messages are transmitted to the body.  Overall, cognitive psychology only involves the brain while neuroscience involves the brain and body.  

Gender roles are expected behaviors of females and males.  Males are known for a certain number of behaviors while females are known for a different set of behaviors.  Evolution has a role in determining the behavior of women and men.  Across culture, different gender roles are in place, therefore, there is a difficulty in studying humans and how they think according to gender because there is a great diversity among all women and men.  Gender roles vary widely making it difficult to study the psychology of genders.   One cultures gender roles can be totally different from another cultures roles. 

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